Differences Between Democrats and Republicans

Posted by on June 24, 2012

I came across this article written by Jeff at Addicting Info website. This list of fifteen key differences between the two parties is simple and straight forward. Shockingly, the list is absolutely true all while being brutally honest without attempting to be condescending to either party. If more people understood these key differences our country would be in much better shape.

Instead of trying to re-write, re-author or write an article around such a great list, I thought it better to present and share his list as-is and give full credit to Jeff at addictinginfo.org. Without further ado...

Fifteen Differences Between Democrats and Republicans:

Republicans: fear that the government has too much control over corporations.
Democrats: fear that corporations have too much control over our government.

Democrats: believe it benefits all of us to help the weakest and the poorest among us.
Republicans: believe it benefits all of us to help the wealthiest and most powerful among us.

Republicans: believe large corporations will always do what is best for the American people if the government stays out of the way.
Democrats: believe large corporations would disembowel you and sell your organs to the highest bidder if the government didn't stop them.

Democrats: believe everyone is entitled to health care regardless of their ability to pay.
Republicans: believe everyone is entitled to jack squat if they can’t pay for health care.

Democrats: believe too much of our money goes to crooked corporate executives who take government subsidies and pay themselves $80 million salaries.
Republicans: believe too much of our money goes to teachers who make $30,000 a year.

Democrats: believe anything that helps the American people during a recession or a time of crisis is the true essence of patriotism.
Republicans: believe anything that helps the American people during a recession or a time of crisis is the true essence of communism.

Democrats: believe that we need to set high standards for clean air and drinking water.
Republicans: believe that standards for clean air and water are burdensome over-regulation.

Democrats: believe the President and Congress need to work together to create jobs during a weak economy.
Republicans: believe that Congress should do nothing to create jobs and then blame the President.

Democrats: believe that corporate polluters should be made to pay for the cleanup of their pollution.
Republicans: believe that making corporations clean up their pollution is burdensome over-regulation.

Democrats: believe our health care system exists solely for the purpose of making people healthy.
Republicans: believe our health care system exists solely for the purpose of making a healthy profit.

Democrats: believe Congress should be of the people, by the people and for the people.
Republicans: believe corporations are the people.

Democrats: believe that corporations have too much influence over Congress due to their lobbyists and huge campaign contributions.
Republicans: believe the middle class has too much influence over Congress due to their voting and paying taxes.

Democrats: believe we need to protect victims of corporate negligence by allowing Americans to file lawsuits against corporations.
Republicans: believe we need to protect large corporations from lawsuits by Americans who’ve been victimized by them.

Democrats: believe that the rich should be taxed more than the poor and middle class.
Republicans: believe that the rich should be allowed to keep all their wealth, except for the millions in campaign contributions they give to politicians.

Democrats: believe that too much money in politics produces corruption and destroys the American way of life.
Republicans: believe that money and corruption in politics are the American way of life."

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